11.10.2018 16:56

Jeseň uprostred mesta / Trencin is now the city of Autumn

Prišiel ku mne kamarát a hovorí: "Počul som, že gaštany odrušujú negatívnu energiu." Hneď vytiahol z vrecka zopár čerstvých gaštanov a daroval mi ich. Teda som sa rozhodol to vyskúšať. Obvykle spávam z knihami pri hlave.

Z vlastnej skúsenosti aj z rozprávania iných ľudí viem, ako rozmiestnenie predmetov najmä v spálni a v blízkosti hlavy pôsobí na človeka. Teda spálňa by mala byť zariadená jednoducho, čisto, bez pracovných dokumentov a pri hlave môžeme mať veci, ktoré máme radi a ktorým dôverujeme. U mňa je to napríklad Biblia a Lazarevove knihy. Skrátka, tie knihy sa ináč čítajú, keď s nimi spíte tak, že ich máte v blízkosti hlavy. Akoby ste ich už v minulosti prečítali. Niektorí ľudia dokonca môžu poznať obsah knihy naspamäť už po jednej noci. Informačné pôsobenie predmetov v blízkosti hlavy najmä počas spánku býva veľmi silné.

Tak som sa teda rozhodol rozmiestniť v blízkosti hlavy čerstvé gaštany. Je fakt, že sa budím oveľa sviežejší, a s gaštanmi pri hlavi mi stačí aj o trošku menej spánku. Môžem potvrdiť, že tie gaštany, ktoré som dostal majú veľmi pozitívne účinky.

Gaštany zbierame zo zdravých stromov - pre Trenčanov platí zásada, že najlepšie gaštany sú čo najďalej od Rybníčka !)

Keď sa gaštany vybijú, môžete nazbierať nové. Pri hlave sa rozmiesťňujú čisté a bez vonkajšej šupky, bez tej zelenej, čo má tento chutný Gaštanko na hlave :-)     ↓


I've heard from my friend, that fresh chestnuts may erradicate the negative energy. He had got some fresh chestnusts in his pocket, I said I'd like to make some tests.

Usually I am sleeping with one or two good books around my head - with the Holy Bible and with one book from Sergey Lazarev (or with book that I am actually reading) After years of my own research I know how this works, based on my own personal feeling. The information field of items around your head may affect your bioenergetics directly and shaping your information field. It is very important what is in your bedroom, especially close to your head! Your bedroom should be clean, with a lot of nice blossoms (leafs means oxygen and air condition) Bedroom should be always free from everything what you don't need for your good sleep. (no work stuff in bedroom, no stupid papers from bank, no garbage, no storage, not too much extravagant pictures, etc.)


Books or papers around your head during sleeping could sometimes make you headache, but you will sure know something from that book. For exaple, Edgar Cayce could memorize whole book after one night! Just with sleeping with book under his pillow! Fascinating! Will this work for students as well? Maybe. And probably yes. But there are some risks - headache and there is not too much public research what the particular book or information can really do with our bioenergetics. We have to be careful and start with books we trust. We have to be sure, the energy of that book is possitive and when you love that book, you shouldn't be afraid. Please keep in mind, this is an experiment with direct influnce of your information field and it always brings some risks.

I've tried to put around my head some fresh chestnuts. The sleep with chestnuts around my head was much better, waking up was easier. With fresh chestnuts I need a little less sleep than usually! That's very interesting. I will continue with my tests, you can do your own - at your own risk: You may try to sleep with fresh brown chestnuts around your head. I think this works only in autumn. Because the energy from chestnuts will probably discharge after few days. So, you can change your chestnuts for new ones. Of course, our "sleeping chestnuts" are best from nice, strong and healthly tree. Keep doing your own research.

No problem with chestnuts? (Do you like experiments with yourself to know something new? Is it worth some risk for you? Yes? Really? Are you sure? Please take an extra care when you are psychiatric patient, atheist, or insomiac. Better to do for you something else) Ok. Your next step after sleeping with chestnuts shall be with a good book close to your head whole night. (I love The Holy Bible, King James Version, buy it from a good bookstore, from a nice person you like)

Better to choose friday or saturday to sleep with book (maybe with girl too:-) because the influence can be really strong. When your book was scanned with red laser, don't put it under your pillow. Wait at least three days, clean your book and charge it with Sun. For this experiments your book should be never scanned with red laser. (Ok, nothing should be scanned with red laser, especially food and water. Why? Click here)