21.09.2020 17:17
"Nedaj sa premáhať zlému, ale premáhaj dobrým zlé." Rimanom 12:21
"Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:21
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Nakoniec jednoznačne súhlasila s tým, že duševný stav sa jej premietol do tela a zážitkov. Začala sa modliť takto:
"Liečivá Inteligencia, ktorá ma stvorila, sa zameriava presne na ten bod v mojej mysli, kde sídli problém, a všetko duševné a psychické pokrivenie tým odstráni. Božská láska rozpustí všetko, čo je iné ako ona, a ja som uvoľnená a pokojná. Jeho rieka pokoja preniká celým mojim telom a napĺňa ho a ja som uvoľnená a pokojná. Jeho rieka pokoja zaplavuje moju myseľ a telo a ja sa cítim nádherne. Z celej duše a slobodne každému odpúšťam a posielam Božiu lásku a požehnanie a všetkým okolo mňa. Som oslobodená."
Pomaly, potichu a s úctou opakovala tieto pravdy niekoľkokrát za deň a asi do mesiaca sa úplne vyliečila.
V Biblii sa hovorí: "Ak nebudete činiť pokánie, všetci zahyniete." (Lukáš 13:3) Robiť pokánie znamená zmeniť myslenie v súlade s duchovnými kritériami, myslieť po novom. Ak si nenaplníte myseľ výživnými, celostným, inšpiratívnymi myšlienkami, inými slovami, ak nebudete myslieť konštruktívne, myseľ ľudstva alebo veľké psychické more, v ktorom sa všetci nachádzame, bude zasahovať do vášho vedomia, ovládne vás a budete mu vydaní na milosť a nemilosť. Všetci sme ponorení do tejto jednej mysli, a ak jedinou duševnou potravou, ktorú prijímame, sú negatívne odporúčania rozhlasu, televízie, novín a susedov ďalej upravené obmedzeniami, strachom a problémami mysle ľudstva, podľahneme masovej hypnóze svetového rozumu. Dá sa tomu vyhnúť iba tak, ak budete kontrolovať a usmerňovať svoje city a duševné sily. Pre toto takzvaní dobrí ľudia zakúsia v živote toľko trápenia. (podliehajú svojim citom a ilúziám Bohu, o láske a o svete, ktoré ich začínajú ovládať, a k tomu ešte aj častokrát hádžu perly sviniam - Matúš 7:6; Je rozdiel myslieť si a vedieť; Treba mať rozlišovaciu schopnosť; pozn. Biblik)
Ak ste nevšímaví, ľahostajní, pohodlní, leniví a odmietate naplniť si myseľ Božími pravdami, negatívne myšlienky, nálady a presvedčenie, ktoré vstúpia do nestráženej mysle, vám nasýtia podvedomie a ako zasejete, tak aj zožnete. Ak neviete o týchto duševných zákonoch, môžete pripísať svoje nepríjemné skúsenosti náhode, osudu, nešťastiu, karme alebo predurčeniu a neprídete na to, že každý následok má svoju príčinu. Treba si uvedomiť, že dážď padá rovnako na spravodlivých ako na nespravodlivých, Slnko jasne svieti na dobrých aj zlých. Boh nerozlišuje osoby. Rozdiely medzi ľuďmi spôsobuje stav ich vedomia, a stav vedomia vytvárajú názory, pocity, presvedčenie a to, s čím v duchu súhlasia. Preto sú niektorí ľudia chorí a iní zdraví, niektorí chudobní a iní bohatí, niektorí smutní a iní prekypujú radosťou zo života." Dr. Joseph Murphy, kniha AKO ŽIŤ BEZ NAPÄTIA
ENGLISH: quick translate thanks to, corrections Biblik
"In the end, she unequivocally agreed that her mental state was reflected in her body and experiences. She began to pray as follows:
"Healing Intelligence which has created me is focusing exactly on that point in my mind where the problem is, and removes all mental and psychic distortion. Divine love dissolves everything except Herself, and I am relaxed and I am peaceful. His River of Peace keeps flowing in my body and keeps replenishing it, and I am relaxed and peaceful. His river of peace keeps flowing in my mind and body and I am feeling wonderful. I am freely forgiving everyone with all my soul and I am sending God's love and blessing all around me. I am free now."
Slowly, quietly and respectfully, she repeated these truths several times a day, and within about a month she was completely healed.
The Bible says, "Unless you repent, you will all perish." (Luke 13:3) To repent means to change your mind according to your spiritual criteria, to think in a harmony with the new spiritual level. If you don't fill your mind with nourishing, holistic, inspiring thoughts, in other words, if you do not think constructively, the mind of humanity or the great psychic sea, in which we all find ourselves will interfere with your consciousness, it can take control over you and it can put you to into it's waves of grace or disgrace. We are all immersed in this one mind, and if the only mental food we receive is the negative recommendations of radio, television, newspapers, and neighbors, further modified by the restrictions, fear, and problems of humanity, we will succumb to the mass hypnosis of the world mind. This can be avoided only by controlling and redirecting your feelings and mental strength. That's why so-called good people will experience so much suffering in their life. (They are the slaves of their feelings and illusions about God, love and the world. Their ilussions are always trying to take control over their mind! Common attribute of "good people" is throwing pearls to swines (Mat7:6); It is a big difference between illusion and the true knowledge; People must have the discrimination ability; note Biblik)
If you are inattentive, indifferent, comfortable, lazy, and refuse to fill your mind with God's truths, the negative thoughts, moods, and beliefs that enter the unguarded mind will saturate your subconscious and as you sow, so you shall you reap. If you are unaware of these mental laws, you can describe your unpleasant experiences as a coincidence, destiny, misery, karma, or predestination, and you will not find that every consequence has a cause. You must understand, that the rain falls on the righteous as well as on the unjust, the sun shines same bright on the good and the bad. God does not distinguish between persons. Differences between people are caused by a state of mind, and a state of mind creates opinions, feelings, beliefs, and what they agree in their soul. That is why some people are sick and others are healthy, some are poor and others are rich, some are sad and the others feel the overflow of joy and Life." Dr. Joseph Murphy, LIVING WITHOUT STRAIN
"Healing Intelligence which has created me is focusing exactly on that point in my mind where the problem is, and removes all mental and psychic distortion. Divine love dissolves everything except Herself, and I am relaxed and I am peaceful. His River of Peace keeps flowing in my body and keeps replenishing it, and I am relaxed and peaceful. His river of peace keeps flowing in my mind and body and I am feeling wonderful. I am freely forgiving everyone with all my soul and I am sending God's love and blessing all around me. I am free now."
Slowly, quietly and respectfully, she repeated these truths several times a day, and within about a month she was completely healed.
The Bible says, "Unless you repent, you will all perish." (Luke 13:3) To repent means to change your mind according to your spiritual criteria, to think in a harmony with the new spiritual level. If you don't fill your mind with nourishing, holistic, inspiring thoughts, in other words, if you do not think constructively, the mind of humanity or the great psychic sea, in which we all find ourselves will interfere with your consciousness, it can take control over you and it can put you to into it's waves of grace or disgrace. We are all immersed in this one mind, and if the only mental food we receive is the negative recommendations of radio, television, newspapers, and neighbors, further modified by the restrictions, fear, and problems of humanity, we will succumb to the mass hypnosis of the world mind. This can be avoided only by controlling and redirecting your feelings and mental strength. That's why so-called good people will experience so much suffering in their life. (They are the slaves of their feelings and illusions about God, love and the world. Their ilussions are always trying to take control over their mind! Common attribute of "good people" is throwing pearls to swines (Mat7:6); It is a big difference between illusion and the true knowledge; People must have the discrimination ability; note Biblik)
If you are inattentive, indifferent, comfortable, lazy, and refuse to fill your mind with God's truths, the negative thoughts, moods, and beliefs that enter the unguarded mind will saturate your subconscious and as you sow, so you shall you reap. If you are unaware of these mental laws, you can describe your unpleasant experiences as a coincidence, destiny, misery, karma, or predestination, and you will not find that every consequence has a cause. You must understand, that the rain falls on the righteous as well as on the unjust, the sun shines same bright on the good and the bad. God does not distinguish between persons. Differences between people are caused by a state of mind, and a state of mind creates opinions, feelings, beliefs, and what they agree in their soul. That is why some people are sick and others are healthy, some are poor and others are rich, some are sad and the others feel the overflow of joy and Life." Dr. Joseph Murphy, LIVING WITHOUT STRAIN
"You do not fight the problem, you can overcome it!"