"Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid." 1 Cor 6:15
"Či neviete, že vaše telá sú údami Kristovými? Či tedy mám vziať údy Kristove a urobiť ich údami smilnice? To nech sa nestane!" 1. Korinťanom 6:15

ENGLISH: quick translate thanks to translate.google.com:
Sergej Nikolayevich Lazarev:
"The future is a reality that is at a subtle level. At the level of the subconscious that is associated with the karmic field, one reacts to the future as a presence, as if it were a reality. An incorrect response to the future leads to health and life - fate - we used to think that we are creating our own future, that we are creating it today, it turns out that it is, but to a much lesser extent than we imagine, the process is basically reversed, the future is shaping our presence. associated with the human soul.
The problems of our soul create our problems in the future and they come to us in the present. In addition, our aggressive feelings, such as a sense of annoyance, envy, condemnation, depression, can destroy not only our future, but also the health and destiny of our offspring. And then subconsciously we save our children and grandsons from misfortune, disease, and death by hardly incurable illness, suffering, suffering, and dying. We scatter the stones first and then collect the stones.
The Bible is a powerful book in which the laws of soul development are encrypted. In the Old Testament it is written that for the sins of man, God punishes his offspring to the third to fourth generations. (please see Ex 20; Dt 5., note by Biblik) "God punishes", "God sees everything" - in these words, the laws of our being are essentially encrypted, the laws by which the karmic field exists and develops.
The first karmic field has almost absolute memory. It "records" all our feelings, feelings, thoughts and actions. Nothing goes anywhere. Our karmic field associated with the subconscious mind and soul remembers everything, and this memory is given to our children and grandchildren. A feeling sown in the heart like a seed germinates once.
Aggressive emotions, when they accumulate, attack no longer the people who have wronged us, but ultimately the God Himself from whom we all came. And subconscious aggression towards God ends with self-destruction.
Initially, one receives signs that advise future problems. These can be inconveniences, injuries, diseases. It can be betrayal or fraud by people, including those closest to them.
Everything that happens to us from outside always corresponds to what we have inside. The state of our subconscious determines everything that happens to us in the present and everything that happens to us in the future. Placed deep within the soul, superficial emotions do not particularly affect the future.
Our feelings and feelings shape our future much more than our actions. When a program of self-destruction has been initiated in a person, in that case, without realizing it, one begins to move towards disease and death.
And since our consciousness is mainly driven by the subconscious, then one of several possible actions selects the worst for himself. And it will even logically justify its choice. With the help of prayer and repentance, one can purify not only his past but also the future. "
Sergej Nikolayevich Lazarev - excerpt from the book HEALTH OF HUMAN - HEALTH OF THE SOUL. You can also buy the book here: https://www.biblik.sk/zdravie-cloveka-s-n-lazarev/