10.08.2017 17:50
Venereal disease has the one who's too offensive, jealous, who has sex concentration, relationships in the family much higher than Norma. Increased attachment causes the weakening of love and consistent with the high aggression and the reduction of immunity. In Simpler Terms, a man who can't overcome the stresses of the sexual sphere, lies both to sexual illness and to cancer. When I examined women with cancer, I was generally revealing the underlying cause of the field: it was the genital area, in particular there was an initial distortion. And then it could have been breast cancer and other organs. At the beginning of the we affection of love, there is a decline in energy levels in the main energy zone. The what, it hurts. We verbally abused a loved one - it could be cancer of the mouth, tongue or gums. You've consistently evaluated, criticized - it may be jaundice and liver cancer. If you were constantly insulted by a loved one, to yourself, fate - breast cancer. If you're severely, badly, aggressively thought about close, it could be stomach cancer. What's aggressive emotions, that's the disease, the by of emotion. When a man doesn't love the outside world, he can suffer the lungs. I had a case in class. We bought a new apartment, and the bedroom was twice as small as the previous apartment. I didn't like her, and I didn't like her. The rejection was so strong that after five minutes in this room, I had a strong cough, and I was choking. It was like an asthma attack. I was astonished to see how quickly the situation was not on my health. If a man doesn't take a long time and doesn't love the situation, he thinks it's not random, but given by God, it can go through pneumonia, asthma, lung cancer. Any emotional aggression, sooner or later, turns against its source.
Sergej Nikolajevič Lazarev: