Dnes, keď nám chemikáliami z lietadiel zastierajú Slnko, môže byť zvlášť prospešná solarizovaná voda - teda voda nabitá na Slnku. Do čistého džbánu dáme čistú vodu, prikryjeme tak, aby dýchala a necháme nabíjať na Slnku. Je vhodné prikryť priesvitným tanierikom, alebo priesvitnou pokrievkou. Prekrytie nie je nutné, ale ak je čokoľvek chvíľku nezakryté, okamžite tam napadajú vlákna chemtrails.
Džbán do ktorého naberieme vodu môže byť aj farebný, sklo môže mať rôznu farbu. Každá farba má iné účinky. Do detailu je liečenie takouto vodou aj presný návod popísaný tu:
Náš prvý článok o solarizovanej vode tu:
ENGLISH: Solarized water - simply put the clean water into a clean glass and let it charge in the sunlight. Good to cover the glass, don't cover it perfectly, the water must "breath". Just protect it from dust, we think most of the dust is artificial, you may translate this article. Today the sunlight is being covered by chemicals sprayed from aircrafts. People need Sun so much, not just vitamin D, but light. We believe the water has a memory and it can remember the sunlight. The Sun may enter into your body by drinking solarized water. The solarized water is used in medicine, details here:
HRM Sun Gazing Process_ENG.docx, online here - this is an ancient healing method, the side effects could be feeling of EM radiation, some small % of people after this method must permanently stay away from mobiles, Wi-Fi and sources of strong EM radiation. After sucessful processing of this method your life could permanently change. Many people will be cured, but some very hard cases will sometimes pay the price - they must permanently stay away from mobiles and wireless technologies.