09.02.2021 18:35

Prosím Vás, ak niekto viete, akým spôsobom účinne odtieniť elektromagnetické žiarenie, alebo ako sa chrániť, rýchlo píšte na biblikZAVINÁČ, príp. nám zavolajte na tel. 032 /240 00 65

Situácia v paneláku je kôli Wi-Fi routerom prakticky neznesiteľná. Kovové predmety v blízkosti niekoľko metrov od routerov silno pália, potom nastáva u mňa zmena myšlienok (zrýchlenie), silná neprirodzená chuť do jedla, nepokoj (je to akoby ste to chceli strhnút zo seba dole a neviete ako) a nakoniec sa objavujú bolesti hlavy, niekedy veľmi silné.

Z technického hľadiska existujú dôvody, pre ktoré by nepomohlo dokonale odtieniť miestnosti, museli by sa použiť špeciálne tvary (napr. malé ihlany), ktoré by eliminovali odrazy. Preto, štandardné tienenie pomocou špeciálnych náterov alebo ináč veľmi účinnej hliníkovej fólie je vhodné iba na najkritickejšie miesta, viac o možnostiach odtienenia elektromagnetického žiarenia článok tu:

V panelákoch by nemali byť žiadne Wi-Fi routre! Myslím si, že za normálnych okolností by nikto niečo také nevpustil na trh, táto technológia je nebezpečná, dokonca ani mobily nie sú bezpečné, rádiové vlny z Wi-Fi a mobilov (všetkých, nielen 5G) môžu fyzicky poškodiť bunky, viac tu:

O rizikách EM žiarenia aj Dr. Cowan tu:

A ešte je zaujímavé, čo hovorí elektrotechnický inžinier vedec Eric Dollard:



Does anybody know, how to shield the EM radiation in house? Do you know how can I protect myself? Are there any methods how to protect or clean a person from the EM radiation? Please e-mail us at

I seek some methods of permanent protection. Situation in our flat is critical for me, Wi-Fi routers from neighbours are too close... This EM radiation causes me:

1.) burning - the metallic stuff like watches, glasses, etc. - it burns like fire near Wi-Fi and wireless devices 

2.) quick flow of mind (unfortunately, most of the people cannot observe their mind) The change of mind causes insomnia. Cell phone radiation causes EEG change (article czech,  here ) Without this "side effects" of wireless devices some psychical diseases probably won't exist. Especially cases of insomnia, psychical diseases, arthritis, rheumatic pains, flu and so-called corona virus, should be investigated in context of EM radiation.

3.) head ache and hunger -  after a high dose of EM radiation I feel head ache. The head ache is like a strong pain, or sometimes like an inner burning of brain. (pineal gland burns, this pain will usually strike to left or right eye, left eye is bearable pain, right eye unbearable pain) It's terrible pain, you almost cannot move or walk, you have to take care and move very carefully, every step or moving your head will cause pain (high dose of EM radiation is one way by train or bus, because you are near active mobile phones and Wi-Fi) For a sensitive person, the short way by train or bus will cause a little wound. The long way will make a serious wound. It will take some time to regenerate. (usually 24-48 hours, sometimes 2 weeks or more) After this "EM wound" a very little dose of EM will cause terrible pain or burning, you need to find some cover, but where? How can I protect myself? What should I do, if the pain is like a fire? Is there any help? Seriously, I really don't know what to do... Try to pray or meditate, if you feel pain like fire... Eating a lot of food at once will help me to reduce this pain.

4.) discomfort - The EM radiation is like a dirt. I want to clean myself from it, but don't know how. Shower in chlorine water makes things even worse, maybe synchronous effect of chlorine and EM... (using anti-chlorine carbon shower filter makes this much better, but I still cannot effective clean from EM) What will always help is a bath in Stachys sylvatica (cook 30 grams in 3 liters of boiling water 20 minutes, than keep 40 minutes off, use a a strainer and add to bath) You may use both plants Stachys Sylvatica and Stachys recta. Both are good, we think the better one is Stachys Sylvatica, or 50:50. It's good to make a tea: choose a nice cup, put 1-2 teaspoons of Stachys Sylvatica, pour the boiling water over tea, and let it steep for 10 mins.

I like good bath with a good tea. This will always help clean myself from EM (...ok, I add some power of mind, I try to relax and imagine, how this herb and water helps to remove EM from my body)

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The EM radiation may physically damage cells:

"To ionize the material, you need some frequency of radiation, which high frequencies meet, but low frequencies meet them with a certain probability through the tunneling phenomenon (they can borrow the necessary energy). The radiant power varies in different directions and at different distances (multiples of the wavelength are important) and there are also different reflections and constructive interferences. In addition, chemical reactions take place at different temperatures and radiation affects the probability of whether a given reaction will take place or not (rotation of molecules, distances, energy state (vibrations, resonances)). So, if anybody will say or write, that EM radiation does not affect a person in the wrong direction, he gives you a total misleading information." (Note Biblik: some scientists spreading disinformations, that EM will not harm you, because it cannot set you alight, not too much Watts! Ok, tell people, which feel burning and pain near a few miliWatt Wi-Fi router, it's not too much Watts)


Dr. Thomas Cowan:

Scientist Eric Dollard: